Probation and Parole Officer Career in Las Vegas, Nevada

Nevada probation and parole are carried out through the Nevada Department of Public Safety (DPS) Parole and Probation Division. The DPS divides parole and probation services in Nevada into a Northern Command and a Southern Command, with Las Vegas comprising the Southern Command.  There are two supervision offices in the Southern division, one in Las Vegas and one in Pahrump.

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DPS’ Parole and Probation Division serves, at any given time, about 19,000 offenders statewide. Las Vegas and Reno account for about 80 percent of the workload, while the rural offices throughout the state account for the remaining 20 percent, yet cover an area of more than 87,000 square miles.

Las Vegas, Nevada – NV Probation and Parole Officer Jobs: The Employment Process

When applying for probation and parole officer careers in Las Vegas, Nevada, individuals actually apply for statewide vacancies, although the majority of probation and parole vacancies in Nevada are in Las Vegas, according to the DPS

To apply for Las Vegas, NV probation and parole officer jobs, individuals must apply for employment during an open recruitment period, complete a background packet, and attend one of the fitness examinations listed on the recruitment notice. All physical fitness examinations take place in either Carson City or Las Vegas.

Minimum Qualifications for Employment

To qualify for probation and parole officer careers in Las Vegas, individuals must meet the Department’s minimum employment requirements, which include:

  • Possess a Category I Peace officer title from a Nevada POST-approved law enforcement academy
  • Possess at least one year of experience in a police agency or as a DPS officer in Nevada

All individuals seeking probation or parole officer jobs in Nevada should expect to undergo a thorough background investigation, a drug test, and a polygraph test.

How to Become a Probation or Parole Officer in Las Vegas through Training

All training for probation and parole officers in Las Vegas is completed through the Department of Public Safety Training Division in Carson City.

Training for probation and parole officers in Las Vegas includes 480 hours of classroom and field training in their first year of employment. Some of the programs/topics covered during initial training for probation and parole officers include:

  • Policy and procedures
  • Legal liability issues
  • Time management
  • Ethics
  • Personnel matters
  • Caseload supervision
  • Substance abuse issues
  • Crisis intervention and domestic abuse
  • Report writing
  • Agency file set-up

All peace officers in Nevada, including probation and parole officers, must complete basic firearms orientation, use of deadly force, officer survival, defensive tactics skills, control of evidence, gangs, and home visit practicum, just to name a few.

All probation and parole officers in Las Vegas are also required to complete at least 24 hours of training every year. Many times, probation and parole officers may enhance their professional skills by taking specialized courses in such areas as:

  • Legal liability issues
  • Basic management
  • Drug abuse
  • AIDS training
  • Stress management
  • Affirmative action
  • Gang seminars
  • Advanced training for trainers
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Specialized Units: Intensive Supervision Programs (ISU)

Probation and parole officers in Las Vegas may work through one of the Division’s intensive supervision programs (ISU), which include:

  • Gang Unit
  • Electronic Monitoring

Other units focus their efforts on individuals who commit crimes of violence, who have a history of substance abuse, or those who have a history of mental illness.

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