Probation Officer Career in San Bernardino County, California

Michelle Scray Brown, chief probation officer in San Bernardino, reported that they have a staff of 1,200 corrections professionals who hold jobs at administrative offices and two central adult services offices in the city of San Bernardino as well as branch offices in Barstow, Joshua Tree, Rancho Cucamonga and Victorville.

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All adult probation officers in San Bernardo County are armed. They currently manage 20,000 offenders by:

  • Assessing, controlling and treating offenders
  • Diligently enforcing court-mandated provisions
  • Tracking criminally-oriented offenders with the help of a global positioning system and intervening when necessary

How to Apply for the Job of Probation Officer in San Bernardino County

Basic qualifications for applicants interested in learning how to become probation officers in San Bernardino County are:

  • Must be at least 21 years old
  • U.S. citizen
  • Possess a valid California driver’s license
  • Have a bachelor’s degree (preferably in  a behavioral science)
  • No felony convictions

Persons interested in becoming a probation officer in San Bernardino County should go to the probation department website, or call 909/387-2731,to learn if applications are being accepted at the time. If they are, an application will be mailed. Completed forms should be returned to San Bernardino County Human Resources, 157 W. Fifth Street, First Floor, San Bernardino 92415. Applications can also be filled out and submitted online.

Recruitment Process and Training for San Bernardino County Probation Officers

Persons who meet the requirements and have submitted an acceptable application will be scheduled for a written exam administered by the Human Relations Department. Candidates will be notified of their score in three to five weeks. Applicants with a passing score will be placed on an eligibility list for the probation recruiter to schedule personal interviews. Those who successfully complete the interview will take a physical fitness exam and have a background check.

The San Bernardino Probation Department has a “Volunteers in Probation” program and a student internship program that are excellent ways to gain experience for possible future employment. Volunteers must be over 18, have a driver’s license, undergo a background investigation and attend mandatory training.

 Specialized Units of the San Bernardino County Probation Department

Some probation officers work in specialized units, including:

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  • Sex Offenders Unit. Use various techniques to protect children and other potential victims of sex crimes. Sex offenders who violate conditions of their probation are arrested and incarcerated.
  • Gang Unit/Crime Impact Team. Trained and certified probation officers track over 2,500 adult and juvenile gang members in collaboration with other law enforcement units and community efforts.
  • Domestic Violence Unit. There is extremely intense supervision of offenders convicted of spousal, child or elder abuse, stalkers and suspected terrorists.
  • Mental Health Unit. Special attention is given to mentally ill offenders to be sure they receive required counseling and treatment.

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