According to the Hawaii Paroling Authority, which operates through the State of Hawaii’s Department of Public Safety, in 2011/2012 there were 684 paroles granted and 575 parolees released in Hawaii. Parole officers, during this time, had a caseload of 1,612 offenders, compared to 1,869 in both 2010/2011 and 2009/2010.
The main office and the Special Services office of the Hawaii Paroling Authority are located in Honolulu. There are also parole offices located in Hilo, Kona, Kauai, and Maui.
Civil Service Requirements for Parole Officer Jobs
Before individuals can apply for parole officer jobs in Hawaii, they must ensure they meet the minimum education requirements for employment, which include possessing a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university.
Individuals seeking parole officer careers in Hawaii must apply through the State of Hawaii’s Online Application System (NEOGOV).
Individuals can only apply for parole officer jobs in Hawaii when the job opening appears on the NEOGOV website. All candidates must create and account before they can apply through the online application system.
Although Hawaii Paroling Authority does not post training requirements for parole officers, it is expected that all parole officers must complete both new recruit training, followed by annual training.
Sex Offender Management Team
Parole officers in Hawaii may work through the Sex Offender Management Team (SOMT), which is a multi-disciplinary team that was established to monitor and assess both adults and youth in the criminal justice/mental health system. In addition to the Hawaii Paroling Authority, professionals from the Department of Health, the Department of Public Safety, the Judiciary, and the Department of Human Services and the Office of Youth Services collaborate on the SOMT.