Wisconsin’s Division of Juvenile Corrections (DJC) had a total of 47 commitments from Dane County in 2009, in which Madison is located. Dane County is one of 22 counties contracted with the DJC for juvenile aftercare services. The average daily population of youth supervised in Dane County by the DJC totaled 231 in 2009.
Madison, Wisconsin Juvenile Probation Officer Jobs:
Minimum Employment Requirements
Minimum employment qualifications for entry-level juvenile probation officer jobs (also referred to as Community Youth Workers) in Madison and throughout Dane County are similar to those required of entry-level social workers in a county department. In particular, candidates for Dane County probation officer jobs must possess a valid Wisconsin driver’s license with a good driving record, as well as a four-year college degree in the human services field (or the equivalent) and one year of experience working with adolescent youth through teaching, care, or guidance.
Candidates with experience working with youths with educational, emotional, or social problems are considered desirable.
Training requirements for probation officer careers include the completion of basic juvenile court intake worker training through the Wisconsin Juvenile Court Intake Association.
Dane County Juvenile Probation Services
The Dane County Juvenile Court Program provides a Home Detention Program (HDP) for juveniles, which was established in 1975 as an alternative to detention or non-secure placement. Parents are assisted by a Community Youth Worker to provide supervision and monitoring of the juvenile through this program.
Youths in the HDP are generally under supervision for 20 to 120 days. The HDP serves about 220 juveniles every year. A total of 880 individuals were referred to the Juvenile Court Program in 2012 alone.